T.R. Hamby and King of the Wicked (Banished Series Book 1)
Author T.R. Hamby with a glass of Apothic Dark Red Wine Blend and her novel, King of the Wicked.
About the Book: Mel King, an Angel, has been banished to Earth for committing a terrible crime. He now serves God by hunting down and killing evil humans. He had loved once, but any hope of that happening again is gone. Until he meets Nora Rossi, a singer who isn't fooled by his silly Angel stories.
About the Beverage: T.R. recommends pairing KING OF THE WICKED with “a fresh glass of Apothic Dark red blend wine. It certainly is dark, with a rich taste and notes of maple and spice. What better way to celebrate a hero with a dark past than to drink this dark and mysterious wine?”
About the Author: T.R. has been writing every since she was a child and enjoys fantasy, action and adventure. She has ten books out and is working on number eleven. She lives in Florida with her cat Joey and dog Wanda.
KING OF THE WICKED is available on Amazon Kindle.
Twitter: @TRHamby1
Instagram: @t.r.hamby
Website: www.trhamby.com