Tim Cagle and Unexpected Enemy (Ultimate Revenge)
Author Tim Cagle with his novel Unexpected Enemy: Ultimate Revenge paired with Jack Daniels Whiskey.
About the Book: IS IT TRUE that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? UNEXPECTED ENEMY is about a woman who gives birth to an interracial child after getting the WRONG SPERM at an infertility clinic & see how she gets even!
About the Beverage: Tim says “My pal Jack Daniels helped me write this book and readers have said Jack helped them figure out what happened to this poor woman who went to an infertility clinic and gave birth to an interracial child, after they gave her the wrong sperm. Was it an unspeakable act of negligence, an intentional act of sabotage or was she caught in an illicit love affair?”
About the Author: Tim Cagle is a retired trial attorney in the fields of Medical Malpractice, Products Liability, and Wrongful Death law. He has served as co-counsel to other trial lawyers by conducting the cross-examination of adverse expert witnesses during trials.
In addition, he was a law professor for twenty-five years, and taught courses in Torts, Evidence, Medical Malpractice and Negotiations. He has also been a featured speaker before numerous physician/surgeon groups, and has lectured before health care professionals in the areas of medical malpractice prevention and avoidance.
He received a Doctor of Jurisprudence Degree from Suffolk University, Boston, Massachusetts. His memberships include the American Bar Association, Massachusetts Bar Association, Academy of Trial Attorneys, Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys, American Legion and Sigma Chi Alumni Association.
He served as a First Lieutenant in the United States Army, was assigned to Military Intelligence and was honorably discharged.
UNEXPECTED ENEMY is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other bookstores.
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