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Joel Flanagan-Grannemann and Talia: Heir to the Fairy Realm

Author Joel Flanagan-Grannemann and his novel Talia: Heir to the Fairy Realm with a Diet Dr. Pepper

About the Book: Talia — the young, Iridescent-winged Heir to the Fairy Realm — and the Heir to the Human Realm — Prince Bastile — embark on a secret love affair that has wide-ranging consequences for both their worlds. Certain elements within each society hate the other side, and the Realms have a long history of warring with one another. Talia, her maid, her 8 Ladies, and her Heir’s Guard (9 female Fairy soldiers) soon find themselves alone on an adventure through the lands of the Fairy Realm in search of information on a reviled ancestor, the Exile Queen. While Talia has always aspired to bring peace to the two Realms, her evil Aunts (known as the Three Sisters) and others within both the Fairy and Human courts conspire to thwart her ambitions, not understanding the ancient prophecy they are about to set Talia on the path to fulfill.

About the Beverage: Joel recommends pairing his novel with a Diet Dr. Pepper because “my Fairy characters drink a lot of wine and tea, but I don't drink either. Diet Dr. Pepper, water, and milk are required household items.”

About the Author: Joel started writing in high school and stopped after college graduation because “life got in the way. It was always a source of depression for me that I had wasted my time and any talent I had. Then, in 2019, I got an idea after watching the movie "Maleficent," and I was in the right place in my life to follow through on it. Now I have two books on Amazon and Audible and more on the way.”

TALIA: HEIR TO THE FAIRY REALM is available on Amazon and Audible. Book One is also available on Kindle Unlimited.

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