Kerry Fryar Freeman

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Frank Talaber aka Felicity Talisman and Autumn’s Summer

Author Frank Talaber (aka Felicity Talisman) with Autumn’s Summer and a glass of Jam Jar sweet shiraz

About the Book: Great loves come and go, profound ones mark your soul, in ways that take the rest of your lifetime to comprehend.

What if you were given up for adoption NOT because your mother didn't want you, but because she was trying to protect you from a curse?

About the Beverage: The author recommends pairing Autumn’s Summer with a glass of Jam Jar sweet shiraz because “In the first opening chapters Richard begins to read a diary his deceased wife left him a year after she is gone while his is trying to relax drinking his favorite red wine. The diary details an affair she has been having for the last several years of which he knew nothing. To make matters worse it wasn't with another man! But with the spiritualist that opened up her soul and reconnected her to her true family after she found out she was adopted.

About the Author: The author has been told, ‘Most guys can’t do romance, let alone write it. Nor want to.’ Hence the pseudonym, Felicity Talisman Talisman in his more romantic writing ventures. Frank Talaber is a traditional and self-published author who has been called a natural storyteller who writes like his soul is on fire and the pencil is his voice screaming. Literature written beyond the realms of genre, whose compelling thoughts are freed from the depths of the heart and the subconscious before being poured onto the page. Known to grab readers kicking, screaming, laughing or loving and drag them into his novels.

To date he has over fifty articles/short stories, sixty blog posts, over ten interviews and fifteen novels written or published.

AUTUMN’S SUMMER is available on Amazon.

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