Welcome to Books and Bevies

Pairing a book and beverage is a unique experience, one that requires a mental and physical palate. Whether you are gathered on the couch, lost in a sea of blankets with your child, sipping hot chocolate and reading "Goodnight Moon" or sitting on the beach with a sweating margarita sizzling against the cover of the latest Nancy Thayer novel, you've fully experienced the joy of book and bevy coupling!

In an effort to support writers like myself get their stories out to the world, I started Books and Bevies as a way to promote novels of all shapes and sizes at no cost. My hope is to create a space where authors and readers alike can meet in a virtual lounge, experience books on a new level through sensory engagement and give some love to the adventures we've been on through the pathway of words.

If you are an author and would like to be featured, please contact me directly at BooksandBevies@gmail.com. You can also check us out on Twitter @KerryFFreeman and Instagram @BooksandBevies. 
